Cosmetic Dentistry
Invisalign Dental Implants
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Veneers, Cosmetic Dentistry, Smile makeovers,.... More on Invisalign and its unique ability to straighten teeth Dental Implants, replacing missing teeth
Teeth Whitening CEREC Other Services
Cosmetic Dentistry Dr Saoji Cosmetic Dentistry Dr Saoji Cosmetic Dentistry Dr Saoji
White teeth in one hour Get a beautiful smile in no time Our other Services are foundation for everything we do

Teeth Whitening or Bleaching

"Dr. Mirzayan and staff, thank you very much for all your help and concern." ~ Brenda Haynes

Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly are good practices in keeping your teeth clean and healthy. However, if you are disconcerted with the discolorayion of your teeth, you can visit your dentist and ask for the dental procedure called tooth whitening. Los Angeles residents have long been asking help from dentists when it comes to teeth whitening.

Some people might be embarrassed to approach a dentist for teeth whitening. Los Angeles residents, however, have their in-office bleaching regularly with their dentist. In having an in-office tooth whitening, Los Angeles clients can expect evenly white teeth, something that at-home bleaching agents cannot guarantee.

Dr Mohan SaojiIt is best to have your bleaching done by a professional dentist in Los Angeles. Teeth whitening done at home can harm sensitive gums and there is also the possibility of “overbleaching” the teeth if you do it on your own. A professional dentist can determine which bleaching agent is perfect for your teeth and gums before you undergo teeth whitening. Los Angeles professional dentists can also prevent bleaching accidents from happening and can ensure a safe and efficient procedure for you.

For clients from Los Angeles, teeth whitening is the most common procedure that is performed at Esthetic Dentistry. It is very successful when performed under supervised care. In general, most of our patients combine the in-office bleaching with traditional at-home trays so that they can “bump up” their shades every two or three weeks. The long-term success revolves around your eating and drinking habits. Most patients that drink tea, coffee, or red wine generally whiten every 6 to 12 months.

Call us today to schedule your consultation.

Befor and After picture
Dr Mohan Saoji Dr Mohan Saoji

This is a cosmetic case that fixed concerns about a patient that had porcelain to fused metal crown from a few decades ago by a cosmetic dentist. Los Angeles dentists in the past used to employ ceramic restorations that were stacked onto a metal substructure. Oftentimes, the metal backing would shine through and give a dark grey look around crowns. Nowadays, we use non-metal base crowns so we can create a much more esthetic smile. In the photos on the left, you can see this dark hue which is overcome with all ceramic crowns in the “After” photos..

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What our Patients are saying

  • You can listen to her testimonial below or click here to read or listen to other testimonials.

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  • Smile makeover case Smile makeover that involved a gum lift, two implants and cosmetic crowns The patient had severely worn teeth that were very short. Her front two teeth were not restorable and were ultimately lost, but replaced with implants. Her bite was then opened to a “height” that she could tolerate and with a smile that she was thrilled with.

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  • Naenas sed nisl nec lectus commodo interdu interdum, nulla ut posuere luctus, est erat fringlla est, vel lobortis odio mi a purus.

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Client Testimonials

“ Aenean id lorem a tortor aliquet luctus eget blandit orci. Cras diam ipsum, volutpat vel auctor non, fermentum vel nulla. Duis in tempus urna. Nunc a magna erat, in iaculis purus. Fusce sollicitudin tincidunt scelerisque. Ut cursus convallis est, suscipit posuere nisi pellentesque vitae.

- Jacomo Ditrih

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